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The following agreements are achieved on the basis of equality, voluntariness and unanimity through consultation.


in the base of equality and coordination, mainly by persuasion and counseling.




The Contract shall take effect upon being signed and sealed by both parties.


Contract Law of the People's Republic of China


This Contract is enacted according to "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" and on the principle of mutual reciprocity and equal negotiation . The Parties agree the following details:

提供人: 廣州匯泉翻譯公司 查紅玉

合同英語翻譯 就壹句

Through consultations on an equal footing, the Two Parties, on basis of expressing their own wilings truly and fully, in accordance with Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, have entered into the following agreement regarding the present contract and shall be conserved by both Parties.

Any alterations or amendments of this Agreement shall be subject to agreement through consultation between both parties in writing. Party A may put forward the request to change the rights and obligations stated in this Agreement when one of the following circumstance occurs, and Party B shall issue a reply in ×× days and no reply in ×× days shall be regarded as agreement to amend the contract.


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