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1、They are respectively bullets, bombs, shells, napalm bombs, time bombs,and grenades.分別是子彈、彈、彈、固彈、時炸彈、榴彈。

2、the warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb.導彈的彈頭,用於發射原子彈。


Bullet Time子彈時間;快動作;槍彈時間;子彈時刻。bullet-proof vest防彈衣;防彈背心。Bullet Train子彈頭;動車;子彈頭列車;高速火車。bite the bullet忍痛,咬緊牙關。silver bullet銀子彈;良方,高招。bullet train高速列車。magic bullet魔彈。bullet proof防彈的bullet hole彈孔;射孔孔眼。

1、vt.去殼,脫落;炮擊Chop chicken meat, remove shell of shrimp after cooked.雞肉切片,蝦灼熟去殼。

2、vi.剝皮;炮轟They continued to shell towns on the northern coast.他們繼續炮擊北方海岸壹帶的城市。

3、vi.剝皮;炮轟They continued to shell towns on the northern coast.

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