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Posey Jackson is an ordinary 12-year-old boy, he was diagnosed with learning difficulties and hyperactivity disorder. In a school inspection organizations in the field Woo, he was my algebra teacher's "special features" seen. After that, Percy Jackson finds himself is not only ordinary people, he was a mythological figure, and future generations of mankind.

Discover the mystery of his life experience, the Percy Jackson is sent to a special school attended. In this school the children learn are the descendants of the many mythical figures.When Jackson went to school after Posey, Poseidon claimed that Jackson is now their children. In this school, Posey Jackson met two friends, one is the beautiful Anna Beth Zeiss, she is Athena, goddess of wisdom and skills of future generations; the other is Glof Andwood .He is a descendant of Orcs. In this school did not spend much time, Jackson Posey was the gods that the God of the universe that stealing Zeus's lightning fire thief. Percy Jackson is a requirement to surrender within 14 days of thunder stick, otherwise, his mother would be killed by these gods, and gods of war are inevitable between ...

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