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本 名: 林俊傑

本 籍: 福建

英文名: Lam, JJ

生 日: 3-27

出生地: 新加坡

身 高: 172cm

體 重: 60kg

血 型: N/A

星 座: 白羊座






喜歡的女歌手:張惠妹、陳潔儀、Jennifer Lopez

喜歡的男歌手:張學友、陶吉吉、周傑倫、Craig David、Michael Jackson


喜歡的男演員:周潤發、梁朝偉、Nicolas Cage

喜歡的電影:8 Mile、Face-off、Saving Phvate Ryan

喜歡的作家:Shakespeare、Charles Dickens








where did you gd (吳克群/壹個人的tomorrow)

記得 (張惠妹/真實)

有我 (王介安/最熟悉的陌生人)

壹個人住 (阿杜/天黑)

放手 (阿杜/堅持到底)

超人心 (可米小子/HEY HAH)

清楚 (羅美玲/紅色向日葵)

當妳 (王心淩/BEGIN)

歌 手 履 歷

1996 銀座廣場歌唱比賽

1997 第壹屆<滾石音樂詞曲創作比賽>歌唱組亞軍

1998 新加坡電視機構<宜康卡拉OK歌唱比賽>亞軍

1999 海蝶音樂舉辦第二屆<非常歌手訓練班>畢業(***3,500人報名,其中只有70名入選)

2002 阿杜新加坡巡回校園演唱會嘉賓

林俊傑 江南 介紹:

華人唱片最具潛力的創作歌手 全亞洲百萬銷售見證




華語唱片最具公信力的金曲獎 最具潛力新人獎光環加身

多無豐富的創作大份備受肯定 作曲編曲制作樣樣行得通







Hip-hop的節奏中加入非洲民族樂器Udu Drum,讓現代人的科技造成生活中的疏離產生的矛盾,做壹個原始和現代的反差!加上B2k(美最年輕的嘻哈舞蹈超**的團體)編舞老師Davc Scott的編舞,這樣的林俊傑,絕對讓妳驚艷!

單眼皮的林俊傑 最喜歡用多角度的視野 轉化成音樂耕耘的養分

牡羊座的林俊傑 最喜歡以多面向的態度 量化成音符創造出驚喜

而這次的《江南》專輯,終於壹償俊傑投入音樂工作以來的最大願望,來到孕育出世界頂尖音樂人及歌手的音樂殿堂——L.A.好萊塢,不僅向他最崇拜的大才藝人邁克.傑克遜的專屬錄音師Brian Gardner見習錄音技巧,為朝全方位制作人的路程邁進。更向B2K美國由4個15,6歲的嘻哈舞蹈超**的團體)編舞老師Dave Scott練習舞臺肢體及舞步指導。這個以超強舞技搭配淩亂碎拍組成猛爆視覺的團體,舞蹈大師的功力果真不同凡響! JJ因為有練過武術的底子打底,讓他的舞步像吃到大力丸般開了竅, Scot t更超投緣的私自傳授JJ個人在舞臺上如何抓住觀眾的魅力小技巧……這樣的JJ,進步的JJ,讓妳想象不到這麽會跳舞的JJ——全在《江南》!




之前就曾經幫張惠妹、蕭亞軒、阿杜寫過炙人歌曲的JJ,因為金曲獎的肯定,愈來愈多的歌曲邀約更接躥而至:江蕙、張智成、S.H.E、renee。張韶涵、哈林……Given name: Lin Junjie

Native place: Fujian

English name: Lam, JJ

Birthday: 3-27

Place of birth: Singapore

Height: 172cm

Body weight: 60kg

Blood-group: N/A

Constellation: Aries

Singer detailed material

Grasps language: English, Chinese

Likes food: Is drunk the shrimp, the plain rice, the Sashimi

Likes color: Dark blue, black, is white

Likes combination: Power train, S.H.E, N ' Sync

Likes female singer: Zhang Huimei, Chen Jieyi, Jennifer Lopez

Likes male singer: Open the classmate, Tao Jiji, Zhou Jielun,Craig David, Michael Jackson

Likes actress: Deep Tian Gongzi, stamp joy, entire wisdomvirtuous

Likes actor: Zhou Runfa, liang dynasty are great, NicolasCage

Likes movie: 8 Mile, Face-off, Saving Phvate Ryan

Likes writer: Shakespeare, Charles Dickens

Most unforgettable experience: Goes to the Japanese travelingsince childhood

Happiest matter: When I knew the side has me "the love"person

Most repugnant matter: When I make the mistake, 犯 am wrong,the feeling which deceives

Excels musical instrument: Piano, guitar, drum

Specialty: Composes a poem, the drawing, the creation,arranges the tune, sings

Publication work


Where did you gd (Wu Kequn/person's tomorrow)

Remembered (Zhang Huimei/is real)

Has me (Wang Jiean the/most familiar stranger)

A person lives (阿杜/darkness)

Drops (阿杜/to persist)

The ultra will of the people (may rice boy /HEY HAH)

Clear (Luo Mei Ling/red sunflower)

When you (Wang Xinling /BEGIN)

Singer personal history

1,996 silvers places square sings to compete

1,997 first session < rolls stone music song and poem creationcompetition > to sing the group second place

1,998 Singapore television organization < suitable Kang KaraOK sings to compete > the second place

1,999 seas butterflies music conducts the second session to graduate (altogether 3,,500 personof registrations, only has 70 being selected)

2,002 阿杜 Singapore tours the campus 演唱會 honoredguest

Lin Junjie the Chiangnan introduced that,

The Chinese people phonograph record most has the potential thecreation singer entire Asia million sales testimony

Since Lin Junjie continuously by the sumptuous unceasingcreation energy, in addition the special voice, has caused last yearin 2003 to distribute the first person big small dish "HappyTraveler", although meets SARS, everybody panic-stricken, but actuallyopens the sale in Taiwan 紅盤, continuously ten weeks take off thenew person to sell the announcement champion... Especially the inlandnearly million sales volumes, enabled everybody to this at that timeonly then 22 years old, Singapore to write the cainozoic era singerwhich could sing, many more has been pleasantly surprised and theanticipation! But the present, finally, you may hear and see: For yearhe accumulates the music energy and transforms the big male student'sentire record! On in 2,004 brand-new big small dishes "Chiangnan".

JJ Lin Junjie wants the music travel which shares together with you,his music heaven

In 2003, the short more than half year of time, handsomeoutstanding pass through the Chinese inland 26 cities. More than halfyear of musics travel, let him obtain very much. Once by the singerfan term of endearment was "the eyelid without a fold young littledarling" he also had more feelings.

Chinese phonograph record most has 公信力 Jin Qujiang mostto have the potential new person to reward the corona to add the body

The many not rich creations big share prepares was affirmedcomposing music arranges the tune manufacture every kind to will do

JJ not only the whole piece special edition does 曲全 takescare of everything, participation has arranged the tune and themanufacture, but under sea butterfly manufacture team's contrastingwhich commanded troops by Mr./Mrs. Xu Huanliang, also let the tunewind rebirth be rich; Lyrics complete concept, also Mr./Mrs. Lin Qiuliwhich not old reveals the strength by the treasured sword holds theplate, is presenting hypothesized and the real world love actualsituation "Demon", and until now any can change since old times, onlythe sincere love was invariable "Chiangnan", "Fear", "Was away from"炙 person love song! Moreover has newly sharply writes words persononly then Wenshan "Bullet Train" the quick song, lets the whole piecespecial edition because is splendid may the time.

The first wave expresses feelings the host to hit: "Chiangnan"

On JJ a special edition passes through Asian each big city,because of the custom public sentiment difference, is letting the bodyfor create the entertainer he, many had "the culture to shake", hepassed through 26 cities the Chinese inland to take to him inparticular most creations inspiration with to stimulate! But"Chiangnan" this first song is precisely he along the road is carryingthe computer and Keyboard ferments to come out, "Chiangnan"... ... Ispasses through the time and the space and time confused special lovesong, has specially joined extremely China's hole in the Western R & Brhythm drearily with the zheng, "the ruler eight" and Koto has onekind of equally good results from different methods was wonderful -thinks the affiliation by the Chinese ancient times "the chivalrousperson" the spirit with the Japanese musical instrument in, in thetransmission love the so-called loyalty. This first song actuallywants to express is by ancient from now permanent invariable loveview. Let in the 21st century, the body and mind impregnable bastion,mind extreme deficient we, again refeels forever the invariable lovecharm!

Returns the pure sentimental world simple direct love song: "Is awayfrom"

If this special edition presents in a music business center offigure and the music journey new attempt, then this first love songand continues in a special edition "Freeze" list 純青 astringentlove

Ultra strong South Korean dance music style brand-newcreation: "Bullet Train"

In the Hip-hop rhythm joins African nationality musicalinstrument Udu Drum, lets modern people's science and technologycreate in the life sparsely to the contradiction which produces, makesprimitive and the modern contrast! Adds on B2k (the American youngesthee hee Kazak to dance ultra ** the association) to choreograph adance Mr./Mrs. Davc Scott choreographing a dance, such Lin Junjie,absolutely lets you startled be colorful!

Eyelid without a fold Lin Junjie most likes using the multi- anglesthe field of vision to transform the nutrient which the music doesfarm work

Male Aries's Lin Junjie most likes to facing condition themeasure to turn into the note to create pleasantly surprised

But since this "Chiangnan" the special edition, finally assoon as has recompensed the handsome outstanding investment music workthe biggest desire, arrives breeds the world apex music person andsinger's music palace - L.A. Hollywood, not only great abilityentertainer Mike which most worships to him Jackson's exclusiverecording technician Brian the Gardner application sound recordingskill, for faces the omni-directional manufacture person's distance tomake great strides forward. To the B2K US by 4 15, 6 year-old hee heeKazak dances ultra ** the association) to choreograph a dance Mr./Mrs.Dave Scott to practice the stage body and the dance step instruction.This matches the disorderly garrulous racket by the ultra strong dancetechnique to compose fiercely explodes visual the association, dancesmaster's skill to be really outstanding! JJ because has has practicedthe martial arts background 打底, lets his dance step picture eatvigorously the pill to straighten out, Scot t ultra 投緣 howsecretly teaches JJ personally to hold audience's charm small skill inthe stage... ... Such JJ, progress JJ, lets JJ which you cannotimagine such can dance - all in "Chiangnan"!

This handsome outstanding will take to everybody not only in the musicmanner, together with the life in environmental protection concept,one and will recommend to everybody. Looks he each time appears whentwo clothing, JJ actually is wanting to give everybody "" Ancient onekind puts on the clothes temporarily to study - utilizes the smallcreativity then to let the life big transformation! Not only puts oncomfortable also has the characteristic.

JJ Lin Junjie, is born in Singapore, likes travelling since childhood:Each annual meeting accompanies the father and mother to go to a Japanto visit the godmother: Most fondly remembers with the schoolmate goesto South African that tentacle to be possible together and as if mustfall to yours throat is big to not the good star; Because after works,more and more goes abroad the work opportunity... ... Each time he allis bringing the curious heart, excavates along the road is pleasantlysurprised, the collection amusing interesting thing and the feelings,flashes through the brain in a picture, a sound, words, even one kindof mood, records in the song.

Such eyelid without a fold male student is wants to give you more FUNand the good music

Before on helped Zhang Huimei, Xiao Yaxuan, 阿杜 to write炙 person song JJ, because of Jin Qujiang affirmation, the more andmore songs invited meets leaps up but to: Jiang Hui, Zhang Zhicheng,S.H.E, renee. Zhang Shaohan, 哈林... ...

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