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這個句子為什麽greatest 不加定冠詞the?

15 Rules for Using THE in English | Definite Article 英語中使用定冠詞THE的15條規則

Learn how to use definite article “THE”, useful rules for using THE in English. 學習如何使用定冠詞“THE”,有用的規則使用英語。

What is the Definite Article ‘The’? 定冠詞the是什麽?

The Definite Article ‘the’ generally specifies and identifies. It answers the question: ‘Which one?’ Is specifies a person, place, or thing already mentioned. 定冠詞“the”壹般規定和標識。它回答了這樣壹個問題:“哪壹個?”是指已經提到的人、地點或事物。

The definite article ‘the’ means this, that. It answers the question which one?. It can be used with both singular and plural nouns. A noun is first introducedwith the indefinite article and the definite article is used to refer to it again. 定冠詞The的意思是這個,那個。它回答了哪個問題?它既可用作單數名詞也可用作復數名詞。名詞首先由不定冠詞引入,定冠詞又被用來指代不定冠詞。


Rules for using THE 使用THE的規則

1.’The‘ is used in the superlative degree. The是最高級的用法。

E.g. 例如

Thegreatest 最偉大的

Thelargest 最大的

Theworst 最糟糕的

2. The is used with the names of: The與下列名稱連用:

River 河E.g. The Amazon 亞馬遜

Seas 海域E.g. The Black Sea 黑海

Oceans 海洋E.g. The Atlantic Ocean 大西洋

Bays 海灣E.g. The Guanabara Bay 瓜納巴拉灣

Banks 銀行E.g. The Bank of America 美國銀行

Hotels 酒店E.g. The Califonia Hotel 加利福尼亞酒店

Rules for Using THE in English | Image 英語使用THE的規則

3. The words ‘King’ and ‘Queen’. “國王”和“王後”


The Kingof Morocco 摩洛哥國王

The Queenof Sweden 瑞典女王

But the is not used before the words ‘King‘ and ‘Queen‘ if they are followed by the name of the king or queen. 但是如果單詞“King”和“Queen”後面跟的是國王或女王的名字,就不能用the。

KingMohammed VI (the Sixth) 穆罕默德六世(第六世)

QueenSilvia 女王西爾維婭

4. Put the before the names of musical instruments. 把樂器的名字放在前面

E.g. 例如:

I taught myself how to play the piano. 我自學彈鋼琴

He played the tune on the horn. 他用喇叭吹奏這首曲子

5. Do not put ‘the’ before the names of single mountains or hills. 不要把“the”放在單山或單山的名字前面。

E.g. 例如:

Mount Kilimanjaro 乞力馬紮羅山

Nanda Devi 南達戴維

But ‘the’ must be put before the names of mountain ranges or ranges of hills. 但是“the”必須放在山脈或山脈的名字前面。

E.g. 例如:

The Eastern Ghats 東高止山脈

The Aravalli 阿拉瓦利

6. Use ‘the’ with ordinals. 用“the”和序號連用。

E.g. 例如:

Thefirst: He was the first person to set foot on the moon. 他是第壹個踏上月球的人。

The eighth: The elevator broke down and we had to walk up the eighth floor. 電梯壞了,我們不得不走到八樓。

7. We say all day, all night; but all the morning, all the afternoon, all the evening, all the week. 我們整天整夜說;但是整個早上,整個下午,整個晚上,整個星期。

8. Use ‘the’ before the names of municipal or government departments and before the names of shops, business houses, industrial concerns; banks, etc. except when they begin with a personal noun. 在市級或政府部門名稱前,以及在商鋪、商廈、工業企業名稱前使用“the”;銀行等,除非它們以個人名詞開頭。

E.g. 例如:

The Ministry of Defence 國防部

The Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌劇院

The Anantara Hua Hin Resort 安納塔拉華欣度假村

The Agricultural Bank of China 中國農業銀行

9. ‘The’ may be used before a name which ends in Road, but it may also be omitted. “The”可以用在以Road結尾的名稱之前,但也可以省略。

E.g. 例如

Susie used to live on Dudley Road. 蘇茜過去住在達德利路。

I meet him at a club in the Steve Road. 我在史蒂夫路的壹個俱樂部遇見了他。

10. Purpose for which the building exists visit or inspection. 建築物存在的目的:參觀或檢查。

E.g. 例如

Go to church – go to the church 去教堂 - 去教堂

Go to university – go to the university 上大學 - 去大學

Go to court – go to the court 上法庭 - 上法庭

Go to prison – go to the prison 去監獄 - 去監獄

When ‘the’ is omitted, the reference is to the purpose for which the building exists. 當省略“the”時,引用是指建築物存在的目的。

E.g. 例如

He had to go to hospital for treatment. 他不得不去醫院治療。

I’m going to go to court to get custody of the children. 我要上法庭去爭取孩子的撫養權。

With ‘the’ the reference is merely to the building. It is the visit or inspection that is referred to, not the actual purpose. “the”只是指建築物。這是指訪問或檢查,而不是實際目的。

E.g. 例如

I’m going to the hospital to visit my brother. 我要去醫院探望我的兄弟。

We went to the court and asked for a delay to continue preparing our defense. 我們去了法庭,要求延遲繼續準備辯護。

11. Do not put ‘the‘ before the names of substances if they are used in a general sense. 如果在壹般意義上使用,請不要在物質名稱前加上“the”。

E.g. 例如

Gold will not buy everything. 黃金並非萬能。

Oil does not mix with water. 油和水不能混合。

Flowers grow along the side of the wall. 花沿著墻生長。

But ‘the’ must be used if the reference is to a particular kind of specimen of the substance. 但是如果指的是某壹種物質的樣本,則必須使用“the”。

E.g. 例如

Thegold mined here is of poor quality. 這裏開采的黃金質量很差。

Theoil from the vats is used for cooking. 桶裏的油是用來做飯的。

12. ‘the’ is used before a singular noun to express what we call the generic singular, i.e. the one thing mentioned is taken to represent all of the kind. 'the'在單數名詞之前用於表達我們稱之為通用單數,即提到的壹件事用於表示所有類型。

E.g. 例如

Thewhale is in danger of becoming extinct. 鯨有滅絕的危險。

An exception to the above rule is the noun man when it is used to denote the human race as a whole. 上述規則的壹個例外是名詞man,它用來表示整個人類。

13. ‘the’ is used before common nouns which are names of things unique or their kind. (Before a noun of a thing which exists only one) 'the'在常用名詞之前使用,它們是獨特的名稱或類型。 (在只存在壹個的東西的名詞之前)

E.g. 例如

Theworld 世界

Thesea 大海

Thesky 天空

14. ‘the’ is used before an adjective when the noun is understood. 當名詞被理解時,the被用在形容詞前面。

E.g. 例如

Jeans are popular among the young. 牛仔褲在年輕人中很受歡迎。

15. ‘the‘ is also used as an adverb with comparatives. “the”也用作比較級的副詞。

E.g. 例如

The longer you keep this wine, the better it tastes. 這種酒保存得越久,味道越好。

The more you care, the more you have to lose. 在意的越多,失去的就越多。

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