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漢翻英翻譯 ?

a/只有到了那時,湯姆才承認自己的確錯了。(Only,admit)Only that time Tom admited his false. b/萬壹妳有什麽問題,請給我打電話(in case)In case you have any question, please phone me. c/他寧願他的孩子們別太吵(would rather)he would rather his children keep silent. d/毫無疑問實行五壹、國慶長假有許多明顯的優點。(doubt)There is no doubt that long vacation of Labor Day and National Day has many obvious advantages. e/妳借助於計算機解這道題只需要幾秒中的時間。(take)It takes you just several seconds to solve this problem by the computer. f/依我看這部戲(play)值得壹看。*(worth)I think that this play worth seeing. g/我用另壹種方法成功地做了這項實驗。(succeed)I succeed in the experiment by another method. h/移動電話、電子郵件、電話、傳真、是最常見的通信途徑。(means)Mobile phone,e-mail,telephone and fax are the most common commulicating means.

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