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邀請信(Invitation Letter)


(1) 開頭首先表明寫作意圖,向某人發出邀請,指明地點、日期、時間等要素。


(3) 表達妳對被邀者能應邀的愉快心情,並希望盡快得到回復。



Write a letter to your former roommate in your university and invite him/her to visit your city during the summer vacation. You should write about 100 words. You don?t need to write your own address.

Dear Xiaobing,

How are you getting on recently? I am wondering if you have made a definite plan for the coming summer holidays. If not, I wish you could come here and visit my city. My family are also glad to receive you as a popular guest in my home.

My hometown is a very beautiful seashore city. There are many places of interest worthy of sightseeing. Besides, the local style food here is also well?known. Don?t you tell me in the letter that you have been dreaming of the sea? The place where I live is located near the sea. Every day you can walk on the seashore, pick up seashells and even enjoy swimming in the sea.

Hoping to see you in my hometown as soon as possible.


Li Ming

I am writing to invite you to...


I wonder if you can come...


I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in...


Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to...


Be sure to let me know if you can come. My whole family is very eager awaiting your arrival.


We would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure.


I am looking forward to seeing you.


My family and I would feel much honored if you would come.


Please accept my invitation and let me know at your convenience as soon as possible.


申請信(Application Letter)







Suppose you are a university student, write a letter to apply for a visa for the winter quarter, and want to get much more financial aid for your study.

1) Describe your reason for the application.

2) Explain why you are so eager to the financial funds.

3) Show your appreciation to the admittance.

You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Mei Yang” instead.

Dear sir,

Thank you for your e?mail and kind offer! Definitely, I would like to try to apply for a visa for the winter quarter. I understand that both you and Professor Black have tried very hard to help me with my situation and I appreciate your efforts.

As it is true that nobody really knows why the visa officers refuse certain applicants and allow others, I have been told by several successful visa re?applicants that re?applying with a new I?20 with a slightly different offer from the US schools would help. For example, a slight increase in financial aid and so on. I don?t know whether this is something possible for you to consider for my situation. But I would really appreciate if you could consider some possibilities.

I know that I have given you enough trouble and please ignore my request if it is too difficult for you to do. I will simply try my best to get my visa and come to your school.

Sincerely yours,

Mei Yang

I would like to try to apply for...


I understand that both you and Professor Black have tried very hard to help me with my situation and I appreciate your efforts.


I know that I have given you enough trouble and please ignore my request if it is too difficult for you to do.



告示類應用文的寫法各不相同,但大致上也有統壹的格式和要求。比如,首先要寫明告示的種類,如尋子啟事(Child Lost),遺失啟事(Lost),招領啟事(Found),遷移啟事(Removal),征稿啟事(Contributions Wanted),鳴謝(Acknowledgements),招標啟事(Invitation for Bids),更正啟事(Corrections),開會通知(Notices),海報(Poster),公約(Pact),守則或規則(Rules),書刊介紹(Preface)等。然後註明日期,接著便是公告的內容,最後是公告單位或個人的署名。

告示類應用文的標題非常重要,要求點名告示的主旨,壹般為詞組性短語,基本結構如:名詞+過去分詞,如:Contributions Wanted(征稿啟事),Child Lost(尋子啟事);現在分詞+名詞,如:Looking for a Spouse(征婚啟事),Exchanging House(換房啟事);介詞結構,如:Conditions for Car Rental(租車註意事項),Notice of Dismissal(免職通知),Notice of a Decision(決定通知),Christmas Clearance Sales(聖誕清倉大甩賣)等。



So and so has/have the pleasure to announce/notice...

So and so is/are requested to note that...

So and so takes pleasure in announcing that...

So and so has/have the honor to announce...

Your attention, please...

May I have your attention, please?...

It is hereby proclaimed/announced/noted/made public that...

This is to notify/notice/announce that...

It has been decided that...

Under the auspices of..., so and so will organize/hold a... match/competition/contest between...and...on...

Under the auspices of..., a report/lecture/seminar on...will be given by...on...

Due to/owing to/because of/in order to..., we beg to inform...that...

So and so is/are authorized to invite/announce/declare that...


English?Speaking Contest

In order to improve students? ability to speak English and enrich after?class activities, the Students? Union Department of English is organizing a school?wide English?speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week (8th September) at the Students? Recreational Center. Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of the classes before Thursday this week. Six overseas teachers will be invited to be the judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.

Students? Union

Department of English



Commuters are requested to note that the New Jiangxia Bridge will be under repair from June 18, 2005 to January 21, 2006. Bus No. 5, 3 and 12 will change routes accordingly during that time. Detailed changes are made public in the daily newspaper of the city. Please note that Bus No. 5 will go via the Main Street instead of the 12th Avenue. Bus No. 3 and 12 will temporarily cancel the two stops at each end of the bridge. We express our regret for the inconveniences brought about by these changes.

Municipal Bureau of Public Transportation

June 10, 2005


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