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新概念英語第二冊 練習冊12到25課答案
















1:He will spend Wednesday night with his family

2:They will visit him to say goodbye

3:He will get up at 3 a.m. on Thursday

4:He will set sail at 4o'clock

5:We can only say what we hope to do


1:will——be away

2:be back

3:were out

4:will be in

5:is all over

6:is on

7:was--up to


9:am after


Thanks tor your letter. I was very pleased to hear from you. I will be out on Wednesday morning. I will not be in on Thursday afternoon, but I will be back on Friday morning. So I can see you on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. Please don't come too early in the morning. Remember: I'm not usually up till ten o'clock!



Cross out:2;booked 3:in case 4:could not 5:will be trying 6:do

7:brought 8:were 9:half 10:money they sold them for 11:want 12:want


1:My friend will be arriving tomorrow evening .

2:The parcel was sent yesterday afternoon

3:The girls left yesterday morning

4:I can meet you tomorrow morning

5:She didn't telephone me yesterday

6:We won't be leaving this evening


2:They're the student's

3:They're the workmen's

4:It's the workman's

5:They're Charles's

6:It's that girl's

7:She'll be here in three hours' time


2:we'll be seeing our friends in

the summer.

3What will you be doing tomorrow?

4:I'll be staying in a small hotel.

5:John will be working the whole weekend.


The Rockers will be visiting all parts of the country .They will be coming here in two months' time.

Would you like to go and see them with me? They will be playing at the Pop Club on Saturday,6th March and the seats will be£10.Let me know if you would like to come. You can stay at our house that night.



1:arrived 2: had already left 3 had got 4 said 5 got 6 said 7 was 8 Did I say 9 asked 10 made 11 said 12 had given


2:When I returned to my hotel ,my friends had already left

3:As soon as they had finished lunch, they went back to work

4:After I had answered his telephone call, I wrote him a letter

5:We didn’t speak to him until he had finished reading his book

6:She had been in the office for days before anyone spoke to her

7:When the pilot had checked everything, he took off


1 asked for 2 ask 3 except for 4 A part from 5 Which 6 either of 7 neither of 8 both of


1:He was meeting a businessman

2:She was waiting in their car

3:While she was sleeping a thief climbed into the car and drove it away

4:He drove it across the town

5:He explained that his cat had disappeared

6:She had to explain that she hadn’t stolen her own car



He says he’s phoning from a pubic call box at Brinton Station

He says he’s glad he always carries enough money for phone calls

He says he’s just arrived at Brinton Station from Scotland

He said that he couldn’t get home. He said he had run out of money. He said he had spent all his money while he was on holiday and that he only had enough for that telephone call. He said he couldn’t walk home from there and hoped that dad could pick him up in the car.


1 said 2 said 3 told 4 said 5told 6 told 7said


2:He said that he lived in a small village

3:shetold us that Mr. Green had just arrived

4:He said that he had promised the workers a rise last month

5:He told me that he would be there very soon

6:She said that she could use a computer

7:She told us that the children had gone to the cinema

8:He said that he always started work at 8 o’clock


I asked the boss for a rise the other day. I told him that the cost of living was very high . I said I had to support a wife and could not live on my salary. The boss told me that business was very bad. But to my surprise he offered me a big rise in salary.

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