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Letter of resignation

June 27, 2014

Dear XX(妳老板的名字,男的前面加個Mr.,女的加個Ms.,),

As I write thisletter, my feelings are complex.

First of all,thank you, for giving me a chance to be a part of your company. It has been apleasure to work in your company, where I have gained valuable workingexperience and knowledge during my working period.

After careful consideration,unfortunately, I have to resign my current position at your company. It is difficultfor me to make such decision, for that I have always enjoyed my work. I willnot forget the professional development that I have experienced and therelationships that I have built as an employee here.

However, my poorbody won’t allow me to continue to serve my position in the company. I havebeen facing health problems recently. I’m afraid that this will make me unableto make a corresponding contribution to the company. Therefore, I must requestpermission to leave.

It is sad for meto acknowledge such fact that I can’t continue to work with my colleagues, andI appreciate the company leaders’ time to review my resignation letter, as I amaware of their busy schedules. I will pass all of my work to my colleagues assoon as possible, and do my best to cooperate with those who will take over myjob.

My apologies forthe inconvenience, and I hope you will understand.

Best wishes toall of you in the future,



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