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江蘇版牛津小學英語6a Unit1、2 單詞、詞組

6A Unit 1重點詞句

A. 詞組

1. 公***標誌public signs 2.許多問題a lot of / lots of/ many questions

3. 他的表妹 his cousin 4.問壹個問題 ask a question

5. 問他壹些問題 ask him some questions

6. 問他們壹些關於標誌的問題 ask them some questions about signs

7. 只有四歲only four years old 8.意思不同 mean different things

9. 不同的班級 different classes 10.相同的班級 the same class

11. 墻上的標誌 the sign on the wall 12. 遠離草地 keep off the grass

13. 在草地上 on the grass 14.在草叢中 in the grass

15. 在草地上行走 walk on the grass 16.去公園 go to the park

17. 鳥籠上的標誌 the sign on the birds’ cage

18. 保持安靜 keep quiet / be quiet 19.發出喧鬧的聲音 make noise

20. 禁止吸煙 No smoking 21. 禁止亂丟垃圾 No littering

22. 禁止停車 No parking 23. 嚴禁吃、喝No eating or drinking

24 .散步 take a walk 25. 壹張十圓鈔票 a ten-yuan note

26. 環顧四周 look around 27. 吃冰激淩eat / have an ice cream

28.公園看守人 a park keeper 29. 揀起、拾起 pick up

30.把它/他們揀起來 pick it / them up

31. 揀起書 pick up the book / pick the book up

32.向她/他/我走來 come up to her/him/me

33. 指著草地上的標誌 point to the sign on the grass

34. 給我5元錢 give me five yuan / give five yuan to me

35. 穿著綠色毛衣的男孩the boy in the green sweater

36. 禁止攀爬 No climbing 37. 禁止拍照 No taking photos

6A Unit 2重點詞句

A 詞組

1.住在本家附近live near Ben 2.住在泰州live in Taizhou

3.壹張日本卡通片光碟a VCD of Japanese cartoons

4.拜訪她/他 visit her / him(賓格) 5.參觀北京visit Beijing

6.談論本的生日talk about Ben’s birthday 7. 放學後after school

8.妳表哥的生日your cousin’s birthday 9.舉行生日聚會have a birthday party

10.觀看“阿拉丁”watch ‘Aladdin’ 11壹起回家go home together

12.非常喜歡他們like them very much 13.作為壹個生日禮物as a birthday present

14.四月九日 the ninth of April 15在壹月二十日on the twentieth of January

17在星期二on Tuesday 18.在壹月 in January

19.舉行生日聚會have a birthday party

20.脫去他的戲服take off his costume = take his costume off 穿上 put on

21.吃壹個帶有許多葡萄的蛋糕 have a cake with lots of grapes.

22.吹滅蛋糕上的蠟燭blow out the candles on the cake

23.把它對折 fold it in half

24. four—fourth fourteen—fourteenth forty—fortieth

nine—ninth nineteen—nineteenth ninety—ninetieth

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