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小女子在此向各位求牛津英語7B unit 4 reading 的說課稿,要全英文的。好心的人士,幫幫忙啊!呵呵

牛津初中英語7B UNIT4 詞組

1 come on 過來

2 look at its bright lights 看它明亮的燈

3 the lights of the planes 飛機的燈

4 be full of amazing things 充滿了驚奇的事

5 read a book about some unusual things 看壹本關於不尋常事物的書

6 something unusual 不同尋常的事物

7 travel from Earth to the Moon by rocket 從地球上乘火箭飛到月球

8 2.3 m tall 2.3米高

9 sleep with their eyes open 睜著眼睛睡覺

10 keep one’s eyes open / closed

11 keep + sth +形容詞

12 keep the classroom clean and tidy 保持教室的幹凈整潔

13 at the same time 同時

14 walk on tiptoe 用腳尖走路

15 There is no plant life without lightning 沒有閃電就沒有植物的生命

16 as usual 像平常壹樣

17 hear a whisper from the bushes 從灌木叢裏聽到低低的說話聲

18 turn around 轉身

19 be frightened 害怕

20 listen carefully 仔細聽

21 hear the strange noise 聽到奇怪的吵聲

22 run into (sb) 遇到 ;碰到

23 say to oneself 自言自語

24 make a sound like …… 發出像……樣的聲音

25 take the little cat to the animal center 帶小貓到動物中心

26 take (good) care of (好好)照顧

27 the following Sunday 下壹個星期天

28 not …… any more 不再

29 sound like …… 發出像……樣的聲音

30 come from the top of the big tree 來自大樹頂上

31 leave the park quickly 快速離開公園

32 be crazy about 對……癡迷 ;熱忠於

33 be fond of 喜歡

34 wake up 醒來 wake sb up 叫醒某人

35 a very hard-working student 壹位十分勤奮的學生

36 practise (sth / doing sth)練習(某事 / 做某事)

37 bark at sb 朝某人叫

38 What an interesting book ! 多麽有趣的壹本書啊!

39 What nice music !多麽好聽的音樂啊!

40 How wonderful ! 多麽精彩啊!

41 one poisonous frog 壹只毒蛙

42 have enough poison to kill about 2200 people


43 the last elephant 最後壹只大象

44 How lovely !多麽可愛啊!

45 at birth 出生時

46 the most ( dangerous / interesting ) animal 最(危險的 / 有趣的)動物

47 take turns 輪流 take turns to do sth 輪流著做某事

48 it’s one’s turn to do sth 輪到某人做某事了

49 read out our fact sheets 讀出我們的資料單

50 a wedding of two dogs 兩只狗的婚禮

51 push off 離開

52 the tallest man in history 歷史上最高的人

53 return sth to sb 把某物還給某人

54 give sth back to sb (give back sth to sb ) 把某物還給某人

55 belong to 屬於

56 live up to 150 years old 活到150歲

57 as well as 同樣 ; 又,也

58 as……as 與……壹樣

59 learn more about animals 更多的了解動物

60 find it interesting / amazing / easy /…(to do sth)

發覺(它)/(做某事)是有趣的 / 驚奇的/ 容易的/……

61(sth) happen(s) to sb 某人發生了某事

62 What happened to you yesterday? 昨天妳發生了什麽事?

63 the weight of about six elephants 大約六頭大象的重量

64 in the daytime 在白天

65 float in water 漂浮在水中

66 stay on the sea bed 呆在海底

67 the biggest living animal 活著的最大的動物

68 on land 在陸地上

69 100 pounds of grass 100磅草

70 in the back of elephants’ feet 在大象的腳底

71 walk in the mud easily 輕易的在泥地行走

72 move quietly 輕輕的移動

73 call them tusks 把他們叫作象牙

74 the shortest man 最矮的人

75 feel frightened 感到害怕

單元 Unit 4 課題 Reading1

課時 日期

教學目的 To introduce the style of the ghost storyTo identify specific meaning by scanning the textTo predict meaning of specific words from context


教學過程Lead-in1. Ask Ss to listen to the tape of the text ,then try to answer the following questions:a. Where did Millie and Amy go? When?b. What did Millie and Amy hear?c. How did they feel? Did they run away?d. Where did the whisper come from?e. What did Andy find at last?2. Get some Ss to retell the story to see if they catch the meaning.Presentation1. Explain the text line by line.2. Language points:a. as usualeg), Last Sunday, Mr Wang went fishing as usual.b. distinguish ‘whisper, sound, noise, and voice’whisper v&neg) Xiao Wang whispered something in Xiao Ming’s ear. Mary spoke in a whisper.Sound n&vEg) Can you hear the sound of the piano?It sounds great.Noise nEg) Don’t make any noises in the classroom.Voice nEg) Ms Wu has a sweet and soft voice.3. frightened & afraidbe frightenedeg) Don’t be frightened.A frightened girl is crying.Be afraid (that )Be afraid of sth Eg) She is afraid of snakes.Be afraid to do sthEg) I am afraid to jump into the water.4. on one’s way to a placeon their way to place5. say to oneself6. take care of =look after7. not ….any more =not ……any longer= no longereg) I am not afraid of tigers any more. =I am not afraid of tigers any longer. =I am no longer afraid of tigers.


單元 Unit 4 課題 Reading2

課時 日期

教學目的 To summarize key points of a story by sequencing statementsTo identify key events and infer general meaningTo do the exercises correctly and read the text fluently


教學過程1. Ask Ss to read the text after me, then give them some minutes to read it by themselves. 2. Get Ss to do part B1(p59) individually and check the answers. Pay attention to the following points:A. a whisper= a soft noiseB. weak=not strongC. take care of = look aftereg) I should take care of my mother today. = I should look after my mother today.D. the following Sunday = the next Sunday3. Ask students to fill in the blanks in part B2, then read the conversation together . Let some students speak out their answers and check it. The important points are as following :A. run awayeg) When they heard the strange noise, they ran away quickly.B. sound like a ghostC. the animal center4. Get Ss to retell the story ,that is to repeat the main plot happened in the text. After that ask students to see if the sentences in part c1 are right and explain the reason of the wrongs. The points are as following:A. be excited eg) I was excited when I heard the news.B. the top of the big treeon the top of the hillC. help sb do sth5. Let students put the sentences into the correct order, then ask them to read the correct answers.6. Ask students to do the exercising paper ,meanwhile pay attention to the following points :care(adj)--carefully (adv)somebody-----anybodyusual----- unusualnot---any longer=not ---- any morehave a great time = have a good time = enjoy oneselfnobody = not anybodythe following day = the next day.


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