當前位置:歷史故事大全網 - 故事大全 - 幫忙啊,翻壹下外貿英語函電


1) 茲確認收到妳方2006年2月9日來函,要求按D/A支付;

2) 按照我公司慣例,貨款必須以保兌的、不可撤銷的、憑即期匯票支付的信用證付款,因此我們難以接受這壹要求。鑒於妳方推銷我方產品的良好願望,我們例外地接受60天期匯票的信用證;


1)Here we confirm to have received your letter dated Feb 09,2006 which insisted D/A payment.

2)According to our usual practice, the payment has to be made by confirmed Letter of Credit payable at sight.So it is difficult for us to accept your request. As to your kind hope of promotion our products, we accetp L/C payable 60days after sight.

3)We hope you can accetp our above suggestion and we are looking forward to receive your trial order as soon as possible.

  • 上一篇:中国石油大学(华东)与中国石油大学(北京)60年校庆的倒计时时间为什么差了俩天?
  • 下一篇:記錄每餐吃什麽和攝入的熱量用什麽App
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