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1. 我覺得沒必要,若要弘揚中華文化,還得從自身做起。

I suppose it's unnecessary. If we intend to propagate our Chinese culture, we are supposed to enhance ourselves initially.

2. 奧運會的主題是“更快、更高、更強”。這與孔子的中庸之道是對立的,所以沒必要。

The theme of the Olympic Games is "Swifter, Higher, Stronger" which is against Confucius' Doctrine of Mean, thereby it’s unnecessary.

3. 可有可沒,但我覺得沒必要。

It is dispensable, however I reckon it’s unnecessary.

4. 有必要,因為他是中國文化的壹個重要代表。可以向世界顯示中國古老文化的內涵。

It is essential, because it’s one significant symbol in Chinese culture which can make the connotation of our venerable Chinese culture revealed to the whole world.

5. 在北京召開奧運會就壹定要有漢文化。孔子是漢文化的壹個重要部分。

It is indispensable to comprise “Han Culture” when Olympic Games hold in Beijing, and Confucius plays an important role in “Han Culture”.


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