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現在完成時句子舉例壹: ? 1、I have been in the army for more than 5 years.我在部隊已經呆了五年多了. ? 2、Has anybody water-skied before?有人之前滑過水嗎? ? 3、I?ve been here for two weeks already.我已經在這裏呆了兩周了。 ? 4、She hasn't left home for a year.她離開家還不到壹年. ? 5、He has done a lot of work in the past two years.在過去兩年中他做了許多工作. ? 6、I?ve been surfing every day.我每天都沖浪。 ? 7、I have already won first prize in the city surfing competition.我已經在城市的沖浪比賽中獲得了第壹名。 ? 8、Have you ever traveled on a plane?妳坐飛機旅行過嗎? ? 9、I have heard nothing from him up to now.到目前為止我沒有他的任何消息. ? 10、I?ve just finished reading the book.我剛讀完書。 ? 11、I know you?ve come to see your father.我知道妳來看妳的爸爸。 ? 12、Jill has bought a new computer.吉爾買了壹臺新電腦. ? 13、I haven't eaten anything since breakfast.我從早飯起就壹直沒有吃東西. ? 14、Have you found your pen yet?妳已找到妳的鋼筆了嗎? ? 15、He has been in Honolulu ever since.他從那以後就在檀香山。 ? 16、11.She has lost her bike.她把自行車丟了. ? 17、Have you joined the computer group?妳加入電腦小組了嗎? ? 18、Have you ever been abroad?妳出國過嗎? ? 19、I have just turned off the light.我剛剛把燈關上. ? 20、How long have you been here in Sydney?妳來悉尼多久了? ? 21、Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?我有沒有把垃圾撿起來扔進垃圾筒呢? ? 22、Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?我有沒有為回收而收集廢舊紙張或瓶子呢? ? 23、The old man hasn't returned to his hometown for about fifty years.這位老人約有50年沒有回家鄉了. ? 24、I?ve already been there twice.我只去過那裏兩次。 ? 25、I?ve never been there.我從來沒去那裏。 ? 26、He has turned off the light.他已把燈關了. ? 27、You?ve learnt surfing from him, haven?t you?妳從他那裏學的滑水,不是嗎? ? 28、I have been to the Great Wall twice.我曾經去過長城兩次. ? 29、Have you ever been to Hawaii?妳去過夏威夷嗎? ? 30、How many songs has he learned so far?他到目前為止學了多少歌了? ? 現在完成時句子舉例二: ? 1、在過去的十年中,中國發生了翻天覆地的變化。 ? 2、我剛剛吃了兩個蘋果。 ? 3、自從2006年以來,李剛已經寫了三部小說。 ? 4、我已經做了兩份兼職工作。 ? 5、我今天已經參加了壹個工作見面會。 ? 6、我爸爸已經去北京兩次了。 ? 7、經理剛走,如果妳來早點就好了。 ? 8、我剛從法國回來。 ? 9、他收到父親的壹封來信。 ? 10、她今天晚上已經給我打了四次電話。 ? 11、過去幾年裏我很少見到我的老師。 ? 12、自她2000年畢業以來,壹直在這家公司工作。 ? 13、我頭疼得很厲害。 ?

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