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綜合信息Info & Advice


The main task of the Association is to create an integrated information platform for all the patients

through hotlines, websites, forums, QQ groups and newsletters.

Thanks to the cooperation of medical experts, the Association offers Medical Consulting,

Psychosocial Support and Information & Advice services.

Almost 500 patient’s families all over the country can now enjoy the benefits of this mutual-assistance network.



The Association relies on the support of media organizations and College & University communities in

order to raise the social awareness of OI and to develop a deeper understanding of rare diseases among the common people.

In order to increase the knowledge about these phenomena in the civil society, the Association

promoted exhibitions, charity bazaars and lectures, arranged more than 20 kinds of activities,

collected and provided almost 10.000 data.



This newsletter is aimed at all the OI patients and their families.

Its content mainly involves medical treatment, nursing and assistance.

The newsletter provides useful information concerning education, information exchange, legal issues

and employment security, working as a “spokesman” for all the OI patients.

Each edition (500 copies printed) can be sent by post to patients, families, welfare organizations,

doctors and individuals for free.

壹對壹資助One Help One(OHO)


This Aid Project is aimed at improving the living conditions of OI children living in poor families.

Every noble-minded man can “adopt” one poor family supplying financial support.

The amount ranges from 100 to 200 yuan per month and will be used to improve the living conditions of

OI children and their education. This project is a longterm one and the amount to pay is not high.

In order to ensure maximum transparency and reliability, donation funds will pass from the good-hearted man’s hands directly into the hands of the poor family.

At present, 12 families are already enjoying the benefits of “One Help One” financial support


星期八電影公社Film salon on csday


The movies broadcasted at Xingqiba Film Salon mainly reflect social problems.

The purpose is to let common people understand the real meaning of a concept called civil society

and to raise the awareness of social problems (including rare diseases).

The Film Salon is a valid platform for sharing experiences and information.

More than 500 people happily joined this activity which takes place every other Sunday at

“Sculpting In Time Café” (Bei Hang Branch).



The aim of this project is to raise money for “China-Dolls Association” through manufacturing handwork products.

This activity is promoted by the handworkshop at unscheduled time and all the products will be

shown and sold in charity bazaars.

The income will be used to provide medical treatment and education for China-Dolls.

Every time a senior handicraft teacher invited by the Association will give handwork

lessons: it’s a good chance for the participants to learn more about this subject while giving

mutual support and loving care to each other.

政策法律Policy & Legal


Up to now, no relevant policies have been promulgated in order to safeguard the equal rights for

patients suffering from rare diseases.

Since medical treatment benefits and social assistance services are still lacking, these patients

must face discrimination and prejudices in the spheres of education and employment.

For this reason, ChinaDolls Association promoted consulting services, legal aid and public interest

lawsuits concerning issues like medical treatment, education and employment.

Together with other organizations for rare diseases, the Association spares no effort to raise the

awareness of Government.

In cooperation with schools and media associations, ChinaDolls Association already made a great

amount of work: holding law symposiums, advocating policy support, proposing motions to

the National People's Congress.

調查研究Investigation & Research


The Association promoted “Investigation and Research” activities focused on rare diseases

(including OI) and covering the following analysis fields: medical treatment, policies and legal


In 2008 the first Survey on the living conditions of OI patients has been completed.

OI Handbook has also been printed and published.


誌願者是瓷娃娃發展的重要組成部分,我們本著“參與、專業、互助、快樂”的原則來管理和發展誌願者的工作, 有來自全國各地100多位誌願者,經過多次培訓後分別在翻譯組、電影沙龍組、期刊組、宣講團、設計組、手工坊、網絡組、天津病人服務組8個小組參與誌願服務。08年7月份誌願者***同討論、修訂的《誌願者工作手冊》是壹份完整的工作指南。並建有誌願者QQ群、郵件組、例會等交流平臺。

In our Association, particularly important is the role played by Volunteers.

They are inspired by the principles of enthusiasm, participation, competence and mutual assistance.

They are coming from more than 100 different areas of our country.

After attending training courses, they can be employed in 8 main activity groups: “translation”,

“movie salon” “newsletter”, “explain and publicise”, “design”, “handwork”,

“network groups”, “Social Assistance for Tianjin patients”.

The “Volunteer Handbook”, discussed and revised in July 2008 by the volunteers is

a precious and complete manual.

Volunteer also promoted QQ groups, newsletters, regular meetings and other exchange and discussion


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