當前位置:歷史故事大全網 - 範文作文 - 愛我請留言第十六集的英文歌叫什麽?


I've got a dream

Hook Hand Thug:

I'm malicious, mean and scary

My sneer could curdle dairy

And violence-wise, my hands are not the cleanest

But despite my evil look

And my temper, and my hook

I've always yearned to be a concert pianist

Can'tcha see me on the stage performin' Mozart?

Tickling the ivories 'til they gleam?

Yep, I'd rather be called deadly

For my killer show-tune medley

Thank you!

'Cause way down deep inside

I've got a dream

Thug Chorus:

He's got a dream!

He's got a dream!

Hook Hand Thug:

See, I ain't as cruel and vicious as I seem!

Though I do like breaking femurs

You can count me with the dreamers

Like everybody else

I've got a dream!

Big Nose Thug:

I've got scars and lumps and bruises

Plus something here that oozes

And let's not even mention my complexion

But despite my extra toes

And my goiter, and my nose

I really want to make a love connection

Can't you see me with a special little lady

Rowin' in a rowboat down the stream?

Though I'm one disgusting blighter

I'm a lover, not a fighter --

'Cause way down deep inside

I've got a dream

I've got a dream!

Thug Chorus:

He's got a dream!

Big Nose Thug:

I've got a dream!

Thug Chorus:

He's got a dream!

Big Nose Thug:

And I know one day romance will reign supreme!

Though my face leaves people screaming

There's a child behind it, dreaming --

Like everybody else

I've got a dream

Thug Chorus:

Tor would like to quit and be a florist

Gunther does interior design

Ulf is into mime

Attila's cupcakes are sublime

Bruiser knits

Killer sews

Fang does little puppet shows

Hook Hand Thug:

And Vladimir collects ceramic unicorns!


I have dreams, like you -- no, really!

Just much less touchy-feely

They mainly happen somewhere

warm and sunny

On an island that I own

Tanned and rested and alone

Surrounded by enormous piles of money


I've got a dream!

Thug Chorus:

She's got a dream!


I've got a dream!

Thug Chorus:

She's got a dream!


I just want to see the floating

lanterns gleam!

Thug Chorus:



And with every passing hour

I'm so glad I left my tower --

Like all you lovely folks

I've got a dream!

Thug Chorus:

She's got a dream!

He's got a dream!

They've got a dream!

We've got a dream!

So our diff 'rences ain't

really that extreme!

We're one big team...!

Call us brutal --

Sick --

Hook Hand Thug:

Sadistic --

Big Nose Thug:

And grotesquely optimistic

Thug Chorus:

'Cause way down deep inside

We've got a dream!

Hook Hand Thug:

I've got a dream!

Big Nose Thug:

I've got a dream!

Thug Chorus:

I've got a dream!

I've got a dream!

I've got a dream!


I've got a dream!


Yes way down deep

inside, I've got a dream!


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