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英語 教學設計 案例三篇

 在學生回答出問題後,教師可再追問:How many pencils/pens?使學生能用復數進行回答。如:What?s in the pencil-case? A ruler, two pencils?。以下是和大家分享英語教學設計案例參考資料,歡迎妳的閱讀及借鑒。


 My classroom 看到?我的教室?妳想到第壹單元的知識有哪些?


 有關教室物品類classroom window blackboard light picture door floor computer teacher?s desk wall fan TV near really clean help

 Let?s spell:

 a-e [e?] cake蛋糕 face 臉 name 名字 make制作 hate討厭;恨 face 臉

 a [?] cat貓 dad爸爸 hat帽子 cap棒球帽 map地圖


 詢問教室物品:What?s in the classroom? One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs.

 詢問物品位置:Where is it ? It?s near the window.

 We have a new classroom. Let?s go and see.

 It?s so big. Let?s clean the classroom. Let me clean the windows. .

 Look! This is the new classroom. The door is orange.


 1.地點類:on the wall在墻上 near the window在窗戶旁邊 in the classroom在教室裏 on the fan在風扇上 near the computer在計算機旁邊

 2. 動作類:clean the desks and chairs 清潔桌椅 clean the windows擦窗戶 clean the fish bowl清理魚缸

 open the door開門 turn on the light開燈 sweep the floor掃地 put up the picture張帖圖畫

 clean the classroom打掃教室 clean the teacher?s desk 清潔講臺 close the window 關窗

 Turn on the light 開燈 put up the picture 掛圖畫 clean the blackboard 擦黑板

 3.其他類:a new classroom壹間新教室 excuse me 勞駕,對不起

 語法點:where 引導的是特殊疑問句,?哪裏?,看到where 就要想到地點方位詞, 例on, in ,under, near等

 語法點:let?s = let us 讓我們; let me 讓我

 文化知識:.想問別人問題,要先說?excuse me對不起,打擾壹下。?


 1、------Where is it? ------It?s near the window.

 2、-----What?s in the classroom? -----One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs.

 3、-----Let?s clean the classroom! -----OK. (好。)

 4、-----Let me help you. -----Thank you.

 5、-----We have a new classroom. ------Really?


 My schoolbag看到?我的書包?妳想到第二單元的知識有哪些?


 書籍類:Chinese book English book maths book storybook

 書包物品類:schoolbag candy notebook toy key lost so much cute

 Let?s spell:

 i-e [a?] like喜歡 kite 風箏 five 五 nine 九 rice米飯 fine 好 nice 好 ice冰

 i [i] big大的 six 六 pig 豬


 1. 詢問物品: ------What?s in your schoolbag?

 ------An English book , a maths book , three storybooks and ...

 2. 詢問顏色:--What colour is it / (are they) ? --It?s /( They?re ) black and white.(註意單復數)

 3.I have a new schoolbag . I have an English book and a Chinese book .


 1. 地點類 in your schoolbag 在妳的書包裏 in your hand 在妳的手裏 in your desk 在妳的課桌裏

 on your English book 在妳的英語書上 under your schoolbag 在妳的書包下面 near your pencil box 在妳的鉛筆盒旁邊

 Put your Chinese book on your desk. 把語文書放在妳的課桌上

 Put your pencil box on your English book. 把文具盒放在妳的英語書上

 Put your maths book under your schoolbag 把數學書放在妳的書包下

 Put your eraser near your pencil box 把橡皮放在妳的文具盒旁邊

 其他類: have a new schoolbag 有壹個新書包 black and white 黑白相間的

 語法點:what colour引導的是特殊疑問句,問的是顏色,回答中肯定有例如purple, red 等表示顏色的詞。


 1、------What?s in your schoolbag? ------An English book and a Chinese book.

 2、-------What colour is it?-------It?s blue and white.

 3、------Here it is! ------Thank you so much!

 4、Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag.



 1. 能聽懂、會說:What's in the classroom? Aboard, two lights, many desks and chairs...並能在實際情景中運用。

 2. 能聽、說、認讀本課主要單詞:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light,

 3. 能聽懂並能按照指令做事情。

 教學重點: 學習What?s in the classroom?及相關單詞:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light。

 教學難點:1. window壹詞註意w的發音,不要與v的發音混淆,教師在教學中應及時糾正。

 2. 在回答?What?s in the classroom?時,註意單詞復數的讀音。


 1. 教材相配套的教學課件[Unit 1 Let?s learn/A]

 2. 教材相配套的教學錄音帶

 3. 教師自制的單詞卡



 (壹)熱身、復習 (Warm-up / Revision)

 1. 教師播放第壹冊Recycle 1單元中得?Chant and find?部分,學生跟著錄音壹起說。

 2. 教師出示與chant內容相符的圖片,問:?What?s in the picture?讓學生進行回答。Picture壹詞由這裏引出。

 3. 復習pencil, ruler, bag, book, pencil-case, sharpener, eraser, crayon,pen等單詞。

 4. 引導學生用以上單詞做問答練習,如:What?s in the bag? What?s in the pencil-case ?

 5. 在學生回答出問題後,教師可再追問:How many pencils/pens?使學生能用復數進行回答。如:What?s in the pencil-case? A ruler, two pencils?


 1. 教師把壹張畫有教室的大圖貼到黑板上,說:This is a classroom. What?s in the classroom?

 2. 學生聽懂後,教師可先試著讓學生回答,能說出英文的學生給與表揚(desk, chair, picture都已學過),也可讓學生用中文回答。

 3. 告訴學生我們要學習有關classroom的內容,教讀classroom

 4. 讓學生觀看本部分的教學課件2遍。[Unit 1 Let?s learn/A]

 5. 讓學生看著課件的畫面回答:What?s in the classroom? (在看了兩遍課件的基礎上,考查學生的聽力和記憶能力)學生不見得都能回答出來, 能說出部分即可。教師可針對學生回答的不同程度進行指導,鼓勵學生完整的回答出來。如有困難,可再看壹遍本部分的教學課件。

 What?s in the classroom?

 A board, two lights, many desks and chairs?

 當學生只回答出 board, light, desk and chairs 時,教師進壹步再問:How many?引導學生說出:A board 或One board. Two lights. 教師可以直接把many壹詞告訴學生。

 6. 教師分別指著黑板,燈,桌子和椅子讓學生說出單詞。

 7. 出示單詞卡,讓學生進行認讀。教師可以告訴學生壹些記憶單詞的方法。如觀察單詞的第壹個字母和最後壹個字母等。(把單詞卡貼到黑板上)

 8. 學生跟讀並模仿Let?s learn部分的內容。(使用教材相配套的教學錄音帶)

 9. 教師在學生學習了對話的基礎上,擴充詞匯量:There are many things in the classroom. What are they?

 10.讓學生觀看教學課件, 學習其它單詞。可從已學的單詞過渡到新單詞。

 11.教師指著教室中的相關事物問學生:What?s this?讓學生回答。



 14.讓學生做pair work: 根據教室中的實際情況,自編對話


 16. 教師和學生用英語進行交流,導入Let?s do的學習。I can do many things in the classroom.: Open the door, turn on the light, clean the window, put up the picture, clean the board and sweep the floor. 教師盡量把說話的速度放慢壹些,邊說邊做出相應的動作,以便使學生理解。

 17.教師先說詞組, 然後再讓能力較強的學生代替教師發布指令,讓其他學生根據指令做出相應的動作。建議多讓壹些學生參與進來,激發學生學習英語的興趣。



 做?Listen an find?的遊戲。以小組為單位,小組內的每個學生都被指定為壹個本課所學單詞,然後教師讀單詞。如:教師讀door, 那麽各組被指定為這個單詞的學生就必須馬上跑到教室門的位置。然後由各組的其他同學判斷對錯。對了加分,教師接著讀下壹個單詞,遊戲繼續。最後,比壹比哪個組得分最多,哪個組就獲勝。





 Listen, draw and say

 1. 教師發給每個學生壹張圖畫紙。

 2. 教師說壹段話,學生根據所聽到的內容在紙上作畫。

 所聽內容:This is my classroom. What?s in the classroom? A picture, two boards, two doors, three windows, six lights , many desks and chairs.

 3. 請學生說出自己所畫的內容,核對答案。

 4. 兩人壹組,看圖做問答。


  • 上一篇:人口资源与环境经济学干嘛的
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