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SONG OF JOY歡樂頌 演唱:Julio Iglesias胡裏奧·伊格萊西亞斯 作曲: L. Beethoven貝多芬 作詞: Albert Hammond 艾伯特*漢曼特 歡樂女神 聖潔美麗 燦爛光芒照大地 我們心中充滿熱情 來到妳的聖殿裏 妳的力量能使人們消除壹切分歧 在妳光輝照耀下面人們團結成兄弟 妳的力量能使人們消除壹切分歧 在妳光輝照耀下面人們團結成兄弟 歡樂女神 聖潔美麗 燦爛光芒照大地 我們心中充滿熱情 來到妳的聖殿裏 妳的力量能使人們消除壹切分歧 在妳光輝照耀下面人們團結成兄弟 Come! Sing a song of joy for peace shall come, my brother! Sing! Sing a song of joy for men shall love each other! That day will dawn just as sure as hearts that are pure, are hearts set free. No man must stand along with outstretched hands before him. Reach out and take them in yours with love that endures forever more. Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding. Come! Sing a song of joy of freedom! Tell the story! Sing! Sing a song of joy for mankind in his glory! One mighty voice that will bring a sound that will ring forever more. Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding. Come! Sing a song of joy of freedom! Tell the story! Sing! Sing a song of joy for mankind in his glory! One mighty voice that will bring a sound that will ring forever more. Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding. Sing! Sing a song of joy for mankind in his glory!

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