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And the world in Italy, Lamborghini is a strange and mysterious to the birth of a surprise launch of a people and a staggering of the super sports car. Lamborghini can best represent the history of Rome in 2700, seven hill city of Rome was not built the city's defense, the expansion and the moment in the initial attack on the rally in the blood. Lamborghini Ferrari born is the enemy, but also doomed to all the world's super sports car is a strong opponent. It is the devil, but not to the ravages of the world. It is Satan, because it is taking another type of line. It is the rare works of art around the world, Italy's most prestigious designers Gandini its efforts into life. Every corner, every line is so perfect, are almost silent Lamborghini original interpretation of the United States. How many people can not have it, because it is expensive to the point can not be imagined. It is high, breathing the rarefied air of the sky, attracting the eyes of admiration on the ground.

Lamborghini supercar, the Ferrari as a challenge to come to earth, and perhaps one day will be born with the mission to change, but the life extension for the same is absurd and unconscionable乖張. Such a maverick sports car brand is the world for decades with the car chase scene the focus of adventure.




The two main model Lamborghini Countach and the Diablo, countach model in Geneva in 1973 the first World Exposition of the meeting.

Lamborghini魯吉歐charges after the war in Italy to create a series of tractors, oil burner and air-conditioning system, so as to set its own brand reputation, and in 1963 in Italy, Sant 'Agata depot set up their own. This is said to have a Lamborghini sports car fans and enzo ferrari intention (Enzo Ferrari) met for its products would like to mention some suggestions for improvement. However, Ferrari and a tractor has no intention of listening to the views of manufacturers. Although without research, this anecdote has been in the circle. The truth no matter how, one year after the first Lamborghini sports car - Lamborghini 350GTV - is available, and it marks a period of amazing success of the beginning of the road. No one can think of some of the world's future super-celebrities will be competing for the purchase of Lamborghini, have a long list of Frank Sinatra (Frank Sinatra) and Paul McCartney (Paul McCartney). All in all the times recorded in the annals of the most successful sports car are all contained in a Lamborghini sports car of the two well-known "Countach" and the "Miura".

Twists and turns through a series of frustrations, the fee魯吉歐Lamborghini finally retire from the company in 1972. Lamborghini (whether or company) has never been a lack of imagination, but it has been the lack of solid financial support. In fact, the Lamborghini of bankruptcy in 1980, Italy米蘭姆businessmen brothers acquired the company. Later, Lamborghini has several owners, including Chrysler. But they did not show the true lovers of concern Lamborghini. In fact, Lamborghini and Audi has been deeply origin, their previous cooperation in the pursuit of aluminum chassis structure. This relationship was marriage success in 1998, joined the Volkswagen Group Lamborghini. The financial support of the Audi, Lamborghini has its own management team to operate. Under the management of the Audi plant in 2003, introducing the concept of the Murciélago and Gallardo.

The integration of this culture is not easy (full of exotic car manufacturers and a global automotive giant, a group with a group of passionate Italians and Germans proud). The result is a complete retrofit and rehabilitation of the Lamborghini. Audi can also have the ability to provide a large number of technical support, and the Volkswagen Group's financial support will allow Lamborghini to pursue the development of new products, it is impossible in the past.

Evidence of rehabilitation is obvious: after all these years, Lamborghini once on the introduction of two new models, factory facilities have been expanding and updating, the latest being the new Institute. In addition, the Lamborghini Museum also began to open the door. If you go to Modena, we will certainly be going to visit the Lamborghini museum.

"Audi history and culture" department Commissioner for the museum to highlight the theme of this exhibition came to adopt a new tactic. Key to display the current Murciélago and Gallardo sports car two after the launch, Lamborghini and its impact on the impact of present and future. Shown divided into four themes: the founder of charges including魯吉歐Lamborghini introduced the background information; their job performance during the period; interspersed play the 20th century until the early 70s was in 1998 acquired a new chapter in the Audi. Tightly around the entire contents - " '奔牛' marks 40 years of wind and rain accompanied by Lamborghini" - the most memorable theme of the exhibition.

And the world in Italy, Lamborghini is strange that this person, the legend, and the poor. As a die-hard Ferrari fans, he also manufacturing tractors in 1959, at the same time also offering air-conditioning and radiator. Wanted to build a Lamborghini Aircraft Corporation, was the Italian government refused. Lamborghini Super Ferrari fans is that he owns a Ferrari sports car four, of course, with his air-conditioned tractor radiator-earned money to buy the. Lamborghini Ferrari favorite 250 of the failure, was looking for sports car manufacturer Ferrari gearbox problem complaints, refused. While angrily denouncing Ferrari Lamborghini father - enzo ferrari (Enzo Ferrari), enzo ferrari more must answer: do not need a tractor to tell me how to make a sports bar! (Early, like the Ferrari and now the哄哄MA牛逼, they put all the efforts on the car, the general civilian vehicle just to make money to subsidize R & D Racing, the Ferrari-level civilian control of the performance of the road in general, car owners do not satisfaction but did not dare complain, because it may be to prohibit the purchase of the Ferrari, it seems that everyone has the low sex).

Nature of the Lamborghini孤傲respected by their own people by making a mockery of such a consequence is still serious: Treasures from the sale of its four視若Ferrari sports car and go bankrupt, "Lamborghini sports car manufacturer Co., Ltd." In the distance of both Ferrari Modena 15 km of the new Sant agata bolohgess.

On the means of the next Lamborghini - Ferrari and Maserati dug from a large number of people, including well-known貝薩裏尼(Giotto Bizzarini), the designer of Ferrari 250GTO, he in the 20th century, the impact of the Italian car scene power even higher than the Enzo and佛瑞肯, he designed the 3.5-liter 360-horsepower V-12 engine has become the banner of Lamborghini Ferrari challenge.貝薩裏尼enough personality that he renegade Ferrari enzo ferrari because he refused to allow the use of independent suspension, many years later is too late often enzo ferrari貝薩裏尼of release!

October 26, 1963, Turin, Italy, auto show, Lamborghini launch of his first works 350GTV (chassis number 0100), speed 280 km / h, only one production. Finally, a devil was born, a devil take the independent route, the devil of the most prestigious Italian designers Gandini life into their efforts.

Mr. Lamborghini died in 1993.


費魯吉歐·蘭博基尼在意大利戰後制造了壹系列的拖拉機、燃油燃燒器及空調系統,從而為自己的品牌樹立了聲望,並於1963年在意大利Sant 'Agata 成立了自己的車廠。據說有壹次蘭博基尼這個跑車迷打算和恩佐·法拉利(Enzo Ferrari)會面,想對其產品提些改進建議。然而法拉利並無意聽取壹個拖拉機制造商的意見。雖未經考證,這則軼事始終在圈內流傳。不論事實真相如何,壹年後首款蘭博基尼跑車——蘭博基尼350GTV——面世了,它標誌著壹段令人稱奇的成功之路的開始。沒人能想到日後世界上的壹些超級名流會競相購買蘭博基尼,長長的名冊中有法蘭克·辛納屈(Frank Sinatra)和保羅·麥卡特尼(Paul McCartney)。所有記載各個時代最成功跑車的編年史中無壹不載錄了蘭博基尼的兩款著名跑車“ Countach”和“ Miura”。





在意大利乃至全世界,蘭博基尼這個人是詭異的、傳奇的、可憐的。作為法拉利的鐵桿車迷,他1959年還在制造拖拉機,同時還兼做空調和暖氣片。蘭博基尼本想建立壹家飛機公司,被意大利政府嚴詞拒絕。蘭博基尼是法拉利的超級粉絲,他擁有四輛法拉利跑車,當然是用他生產拖拉機暖氣片空調賺來的錢買的。蘭博基尼最喜歡的法拉利250出了故障,遂找法拉利跑車制造公司投訴變速箱問題,遭拒。氣憤之余蘭博基尼聲討法拉利之父——恩佐法拉利(Enzo Ferrari),恩佐法拉利的答復更絕:用不著壹個做拖拉機的來告訴我如何制造跑車吧!(早期的法拉利和現在壹樣馬哄哄的牛逼,他們把所有的精力都放在賽車上,壹般民用車只是為了賺錢來補貼賽車研發,民用級的法拉利路面操控性能壹般,車主們不滿意卻不敢抱怨,因為這樣可能會被禁止購買法拉利,看來人人都有賤性)。

生性孤傲的蘭博基尼被自己所敬重的人如此嘲弄,後果還算嚴重:變賣了自己視若珍寶的四輛法拉利跑車並傾家蕩產,“蘭博基尼跑車制造股份有限公司”在距離法拉利之都Modena僅15公裏的Sant agata bolohgess新建。

接下來蘭博基尼就不擇手段了——從法拉利和瑪莎拉蒂挖了大批人才,包括著名的貝薩裏尼(Giotto Bizzarini),法拉利250GTO的設計師,他在20世紀意大利車壇的影響力甚至高於恩佐和佛瑞肯,他設計的3.5升360馬力的V-12發動機成為蘭博基尼挑戰法拉利的旗幟。貝薩裏尼也夠個性的,他叛離法拉利的原因是恩佐法拉利拒絕讓他使用獨立後懸掛,多年後恩佐法拉利對放走貝薩裏尼追悔莫及!



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