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"Christmas" is the name "Christ Mass" acronym. Mass is a liturgical church. Christmas is a religious festival. We treat it as Jesus's birthday to celebrate, and thus also known as Christmas. On this day, all the world's Christian churches have held a special worship services. However, there are many Christmas festivities and religious do not have the slightest relevance. The exchange of gifts, send Christmas cards, which are to make Christmas as a time for celebration.


Christmas is the world's largest Christian festival. 4 of the century, January 6 is the eastern part of the Roman Empire it revive the churches to commemorate the birth and baptism of the double festival, known as "Epiphany" Epiphany, also known as "Epiphany" means that one's senses to the world by God himself. That road was the only exceptions to pull cold church, where not only the commemoration of the birth of Jesus was resurrected to commemorate the baptism. Later Christian historians in Rome, learning to use the calendar found in AD 354 December 25 recorded on page: "Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judah." After research, is generally believed that December 25 for Christmas may start with in AD 336 the Roman Church) in about AD 375 years spread to Asia Minor to Antioch, AD 430 spread to Alexandria in Egypt, that Salem Church Road, was received at the latest, but the Armenian church is still adhere to January 6 Epiphany is that the birth of one's senses. December 25 was originally Persian sun god (the god of light) Mithra (Mithra)'s birthday, is a pagan holiday, at the same time the state religion of the Roman sun god is also one of the gods.

聖誕節是基督教世界最大的節日。4世紀初,1月6日是羅馬帝國東部各教會紀念那穌降生和受洗的雙重節日、稱為“主顯節”Epiphany,亦稱“顯現節”即上帝通過那穌向世人顯示自己。當時只有那路拉冷的教會例外,那裏只紀念耶穌的誕生而不紀念那穌的受洗。後來歷史學家們在羅馬基督徒習用的日歷中發現公元 354年12月25日頁內記錄著:“基督降生在猶大的伯利恒。”經過研究,壹般認為12月25日伴為聖誕節可能開始於公元336年的羅馬教會)約在公元375年傳到小亞細亞的安提阿,公元430年傳到埃及的亞歷山大裏亞,那路撒冷的教會接受得最晚,而亞美尼亞的教會則仍然堅持1月6日主顯節是那穌的誕辰。12月25日原來是波斯太陽神(即光明之神)密特拉(Mithra)的誕辰,是壹個異教徒節日,同時太陽神也是羅馬國教眾神之壹。

On this day the Roman calendar is the Winter Solstice festival, worship the sun god of the pagans are this day as the spring of hope, the beginning of recovery in all things. May be due to this reason, the Church of Rome before choosing this day as Christmas. This is a try to turn the pagan customs of the early Church, the Christian-oriented measures. Later, while most churches have accepted December 25 for Christmas, but solid for use throughout the church calendar is different from the specific date is not uniform, so put December 24 to January 6 next year, as Christmas steadily period (Christmas Tide), the local churches according to specific local conditions during this period within the celebration of Christmas Day.

這壹天又是羅馬歷書的冬至節,崇拜太陽神的異教徒都把這壹天當作春天的希望,萬物復蘇的開始。可能由於這個原因,羅馬教會才選擇這壹天作為聖誕節。這是教會初期力圖把異教徒的風俗習慣基督教化的措施之壹。後來,雖然大多數教會都接受12月25日為聖誕節,但又固各地教會使用的歷書不同,具體日期不能統壹,於是就把12月24日到第二年的1月6日定為聖誕節節期(Christmas Tide),各地教會可以根據當地具體情況在這段節期之內慶祝聖誕節。

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