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公共演講的好處 Benefits of Public Speaking

Public speaking is bothinteresting and challenging. It is interesting because it asks you to e to abetter understanding of human nature and human munication. It is challengingbecause it asks you to take a risk, to put yourself in a situation where youcan succeed or fail in your effort to make a difference. As you go further,however, you will find more benefits of public speaking go beyond learning howto express yourself orally. The process of your speaking improves suchpractical skills as the following:,?公眾演講既有趣也有挑戰性。有趣是因為它要求妳去更好地理解人的本質與人與人之間的溝通。它具有挑戰性是因為它要求妳承擔風險,要把自己置身於經過妳的努力既可能成功也可能失敗的情況下。但是,如果妳進行得更深入,妳會發現公眾演講更有益於學習如何用口頭表達自己。妳的演講過程提高了以下的壹些技能如實踐技能:,1. Organizational Skills,組織能力,The ability to anize ideas isa skill you will employ before you ever write a speech. As you practice, youwill also discover that the anizational skills are so essential in posingspeeches because it requires your skills of outlining, planning, anizing andpresenting your ideas logically.,?組織能力是在寫演講稿之前就會使用的壹種技能。在妳練習的時候,妳也會發現組織能力對於演講是如此重要,因為它需要概述,規劃,組織,有邏輯的表達自己的能力。,2. Writing Skills,寫作能力,Many of the skills you use topose good speeches are the same as those you need to write well. Thepractice you gain preparing speeches will improve your ability to express yourideas on paper. You will learn how to get your audience’s attention, how toanize your ideas clearly, and how to find more evidences to support your e skills will be beneficial to your writing.,?許多用於撰寫演講的技巧和寫好作文的技巧是壹樣的。在準備演講前的練習會提高妳在紙上的表達能力。妳會學會如何獲取聽眾的註意力,如何清楚地組織妳的想法,如何找到更多的證據來支持妳的觀點。這些技巧將有助於妳的寫作。,3. critical Thinking,批判思考能力,As we know, it’s important to guidestudents to think and to *** yze. Public speaking skills and related listeningskills provide valuable tools for the critical *** ysis of ideas. By studyingthe use of supportive materials and persuasive strategies, you’ll learn how tofind an argument’s weak points and learn to ask questions, which needs greatcritical thinking.,我們都知道引導學生思考和分析是很重要的。公眾演講技巧及相關聽的技巧對批判性分析想法提供了有價值的工具。通過學習支持資料和有說服力策略的使用,您將學習如何找到論據的薄弱點,學會問問題,這需要很強的批判性思維。,4. Research Skills,調查能力,Often, when students are asked toprepare a report, they go to the library or search the Inter to look for thereference books or articles they need. You will get into contact with a varietyof research materials and select something most valuable to you.,通常,當學生被要求準備壹份報告的時候,他們會去去圖書館或上網找他們需要的參考書或文章。妳將接觸到各種研究材料並找到壹些對妳最寶貴的東西。,5. Listening Skills,聆聽技巧,Speaking and listening go hand inhand. Whenever someone gives a speech, there is an audience to listen to it. Bylearning good speaking techniques, you’ll prepare speeches within audience’sunderstanding. You will also learn how to listen to other speakers in order tohear all the key points.,?聽說齊頭並進。每當有人演講時,都有觀眾在聽。通過學習良好的演講技巧,妳會準備在聽眾理解範圍之內的演講。為了聽得到所有的重點您還將學習如何傾聽他人的演講。,6. Strain Capacity,應變能力,Giving a speech to a group ofpeople involves a great deal of risk. However, it is true that by learning howto give a speech in front of a group, your self-confidence will grow, which helpsyou to confident enough to municate with others and adapt to differentsituations. To a large extent, success in life depends on your ability to adaptto your environment and feel good about yourself.?,給壹羣人做演講涉及的風險很大。但是,這是真的,通過學習如何給在人羣前演講,妳的自信心就會增強,這有助於妳有足夠的信心與他人溝通,適應不同的情況。在很大程度上,生活中的成功取決於妳對環境的適應能力以及自我感覺良好程度上。

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